Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Has Sprung ... I Guess!

Officially Spring is here!  At least that is what the calendar is saying.  Sunday, March 20th it arrived.  Really?

Usually not one to be bothered by the weather, for some reason, I will admit this year it truly is.  Those few days of sunshine and warmer air have teased us all.  Well after all it is still March and it can always be a rather fickle month.

The bulbs are popping through the soil, some of the early perennials are showing some signs of new growth, the grass seems to have a greener tinge to it and I see some buds on trees and bushes swelling with new life. Hopeful signs of the new season are becoming evident - but very slowly. While leaving the hospital the other day after Mike's treatment, the frogs could be heard loudly chirping from the woods across the street.  Everything seems to be waking from a very hard winter.
Our little yellow crocus's are finally blooming.  There is something I just love about these tiny little flowers.  Just like the yellow daffodils that I have been buying to bring a bit of sunshine into the house the past couple of weeks, these bits of flowers just make me smile.  Think they need some grape hyacinths for company next year.  Don't think there is a flower I do not like, nor a color, but for some reason "yellow" at this time just warms me.

Amongst all the everyday happenings in our lives these days I'm determined to still have fun creating.  Always a fan of the holidays, there were decorations everywhere for each.  With grown children and moving a few years back, I lost the desire to go "all out".  So with Easter coming, there are a few new decorations in the works.

One of the things I have done many, many times is to grow grass in a basket or tray to hold eggs and other decorations.  Everyone loves this and I'll do it for sure. (If you click on "grow grass" it will take you to a link on Martha's site with her instructions for this.) Working on an Easter banner for the mantel and various other decorative items for the house.  We have planned to have Easter dinner at our house with just the kids this year.  That means some thinking of some ideas for table decor and for the grandkids.

With the next Designer Crafts Connection Hop coming, this also is giving me incentive to have some creative fun.

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